A Treatise on the Medical Jurisprudence of Insanity
By Isaac Ray
2000/03 - Beard Books - Medical Classic
1893122727 - Paperback - Reprint - 490 pp.
A fascinating look at early legal principles that were based on misconceptions of insanity, and sets forth a systematic classification of the malady.
Publisher Comments
This book is a fascinating look at the early development of the principles that have regulated the civil and criminal responsibilities of the insane. Interestingly, principles of law were laid down long before physicians had any solid understanding of the malady. Legislators and jurists had done little more than indicate some of the obvious divisions of insanity. This book addresses some of the popular misconceptions of mental derangement and sets forth a systematic classification of the various forms of insanity.

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Issac Ray, (1807-1881). In 1838, he published "A Treatise on the Medical Jurisprudence of Insanity". That book, and Ray's subsequent efforts established forensic psychiatry in the United States as a discipline with its own body of knowledge, skills, and professional goals. In 1896 Ray published a paper "Confinement of the Insane", in which he presented the three elements vital for any law regarding the involuntary hospitalization of the insane.

Preliminary Views |
1 |
Chapter I. |
Mental Disease in General |
68 |
Chapter II. |
Idiocy |
72 |
Chapter III. |
Imbecility |
77 |
Chapter IV. |
Legal consequences of Mental Deficiency |
96 |
Chapter V. |
Pathology and symptoms of Mania |
134 |
Chapter VI. |
Intellectual Mania |
152 |
Sec. I. |
General Intellectual Mania |
152 |
Sec. II. |
Partial Intellectual Mania |
161 |
Chapter VII. |
Moral Mania |
168 |
Sec. I. |
General Moral Mania |
170 |
Sec. II. |
Partial Moral Mania |
186 |
Chapter VIII. |
Legal consequences of Mania |
235 |
Sec. I. |
Legal consequences of Intellectual Mania |
236 |
Sec. II. |
Legal consequences of Moral Mania |
258 |
Chapter IX. |
Dementia |
279 |
Chapter X. |
Legal consequences of Dementia |
289 |
Chapter XI. |
Febrile Delirium |
297 |
Chapter XII. |
Legal consequences of Delirium |
303 |
Chapter XIII. |
Duration and curability of Madness |
310 |
Chapter XIV. |
Lucid Intervals |
319 |
Chapter XV. |
Simulated Insanity |
338 |
Chapter XVI. |
Concealed Insanity |
363 |
Chapter XVII. |
Suicide |
372 |
Chapter XVIII. |
Legal consequences of Suicide |
383 |
Chapter XIX. |
Somnambulism |
386 |
Chapter XX. |
Legal consequences of Somnambulism |
394 |
Chapter XXI. |
Simulated Somnambulism |
398 |
Chapter XXII. |
Effect of insanity on Evidence |
401 |
Chapter XXIII. |
Drunkenness |
413 |
Chapter XXIV. |
Legal consequences of Drunkenness |
428 |
Chapter XXV. |
Interdiction |
452 |