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Beard Books Recommends Bankruptcy  Crimes


Buy it now!

"Bankruptcy Crimes provides a wake-up call to the bankruptcy bar that there may be criminal law consequences based on their advice given and actions taken in the planning and conduct of a bankruptcy case. In an easy to read and well organized format, Bankruptcy Crimes provides bankruptcy practitioners with an authoritative primer of what they need to know and what they need to advise their clients in order to avoid running afoul of the criminal rules that govern the conduct of those who participate in bankruptcy cases.

Bankruptcy Crimes is an essential reference tool for lawyers representing clients accused of bankruptcy crimes, for bankruptcy fiduciaries charged with notifying law enforcement of criminal conduct and for lawyers seeking practical guidance for the difficult legal ethical issues they often face in advising clients in financially distressed situations."

Thomas J. Moloney, Esq. 
Partner, Cleary, Gottlieb, Steen & Hamilton

"Ms. Wickouski provides unique and broad coverage to the complex and little understood area of bankruptcy crimes. Debtors' counsel, in particular, will find this
to be an invaluable guide in dealing with conflicts, attorney-clients relationships, asset planning and much more."

David R. Kuney, Esq.
Partner, Brown & Wood

"A comprehensive work. Well researched and written."

David C. Roseman, Esq.
Partners, Jones Day Reavis & Pogue

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