Floating Exchange Rates and the State of World Trade Payments
By David Bigman and Teizo Taya
2003/03 - Beard Books
1587981297 - Paperback - Reprint - 351 pp.
Those interested in and concerned about international finance and world trade
will find this book absorbing and intriguing.
Publisher Comments
informative book is a reprint of a 1984 edition and includes contributions of
leading international monetary economists who analyze the developments in the
international monetary system since
the collapse of the Bretton Woods system in 1973. The subjects covered include the implications of the floating
and market-determined exchange rate system for world trade and payments, the
effects on the stability of the national economies and on the international
monetary system, the contribution of the international organizations, and the
policy options of individual countries. The
use and value of this treatise are enhanced by the addition of a current
epilogue that analyzes lessons of the past two decades.
No book reviews available.
Taya is currently a member of the Policy Board of the Bank of Japan. Born
on March 5, 1945, he received his BA in Industrial Relation (1967) and MA in
Applied Sociology (1969) from Rikkyo University. He then obtained his MA in
Economics in 1973 and Ph.D. in Economics in 1977 from the University of
California, Los Angeles.
He then became an economist for the International Monetary Fund, then moved
on to become a Senior Economist and International Economic Manager of the Daiwa
Securities Research Institute Ltd. Research Department (1983) and was promoted
to Managing Director by 1998, rising within the Institute through different
David Bigman is currently professor of development economics at the Netherlands University of
Wageningen and holds the Chair for Global Food Security and International Trade, served until recently as Senior Research Officer at the International Service for National Agricultural Research, ISNAR, a
Future Harvest center of the Consultative Group on International Agricultural
Research (CGIAR).

Chapter 1 |
3 |
Monetary Policy Under Exchange Rate
Flexibility |
-- Rudiger Dornbusch, Massachusetts
Institute of Technology |
Chapter 2 |
33 |
Floating as Seen from the Central Bank |
-- Henry C. Wallich, Member, Board of
Governors of the Federal Reserve System |
Chapter 3 |
43 |
Analysis of Short-Run Exchange Rate
Behavior: March 1973 to November 1981 |
-- Michael P. Dooley, International
Monetary Fund |
-- Jeffrey Shafer, Federal Reserve
Bank of New York |
Chapter 4 |
71 |
Exchange Rate Determination: Some Old
Myths and New Paradigms |
-- David Bigman, The Hebrew University
of Jerusalem |
Chapter 5 |
101 |
The J-Curve, Stabilizing Speculation, and
Capital Constraints on Foreign Exchange Dealers |
-- Ronald I. McKinnon, Stanford
University |
Chapter 6 |
127 |
Monetary Policy, the Balance of Payments,
and the Exchange Rate |
-- Pentti J.K. Kouri, New York
University and Yale University |
Chapter 7 |
161 |
The Demand for International Reserves
under Pegged and Flexible Exchange Rate Regimes and Aspects of the
Economics of Managed Float |
-- Jacob A. Frenkel, University of
Chicago and National Bureau of Economic Research |
Chapter 8 |
189 |
Exchange Rate -- Price Causality in the
Recent Floating Period |
-- Masahiro Kawai, The Johns Hopkins
University |
Chapter 9 |
213 |
Exchange Rate Instability and Capital
Controls: The Japanese Experience, 1978-1981 |
-- Ichiro Otani, International
Monetary Fund |
Chapter 10 |
241 |
The Causes of Export Instability:
Comparing the Experience of Two Decades |
-- Odin Knudsen, World Bank |
-- Lloyd Harbert, U.S. Department of
Agriculture |
Chapter 11 |
259 |
Exchange Rates and the Adjustment Process |
-- J. de Larosiere, Managing Director
of the International Monetary Fund |
Chapter 12 |
267 |
The Exchange Rate as an Instrument of
Policy |
-- Otmar Emminger, President, Deutsche
Bundesbank |
Chapter 13 |
285 |
On the Efficiency of the Generalized
Floating System |
-- Hideo Suzuki, Advisor to the
President, the Nomura Securities, Co., Ltd. and former Special Advisor
to the Minister of Finance, Japan |
Chapter 14 |
291 |
Floating Exchange Rates: A Practical
Lesson on the Automaticity of Adjustment Mechanisms |
-- Guido Carli, President,
Confederazione Generale dell'Industria Italiana and former Governor of
the Bank of Italy |
Name Index |
301 |
Subject Index |
305 |
Epilogue |
311 |
Any views and/or opinions expressed by the
Editors in this books are purely their own and do not necessarily
represent the views and/or opinions held by any institution that they
are presently associated with or have been associated with in the past. |