The Deregulation of the Banking and Securities Industries
By Lawrence G. Goldberg and Lawrence J. White
2003/01 - Beard Books
158798167X - Paperback - Reprint - 364 pp.
These papers encompass a wide variety of views and opinions, underscoring the adage "where you stand depends on where you sit."
Publisher Comments
On May 18-19, 1978, the Salomon Center for the Study of Financial Institutions, Graduate School of Business, New York University held a conference: "The Deregulation of the Banking and Securities Industries." Representatives from regulated firms and institutions, the government and academia exchanged ideas on emerging trends. This book is a compilation of the papers presented on the three major areas of regulation-price regulation, entry regulation, and safety regulation. While deregulation was in the air, it was far from ubiquitous. These papers present a variety of viewpoints and penetrating analyses of the complexities of regulation and the difficulties of effecting deregulation.

No book reviews available.

Lawrence G. Goldberg is Professor of Finance at the University of Miami, Previously, he was an economist at the Board of Governor of the Federal Reserve System and an economist at the Board of Governors of the Federal Reserve Systems and an economist at the Federal Trade Commission. He also was in the Finance Department in the Stern Business School at New York University. He has published extensively in academic journals such as the Journal of Finance, the Journal of Financial Economics, the Journal of Money, Credit and Banking, the Journal of Banking and Finances, and the Journal of Health Politics, Policy and Law. His main areas of research are financial institutions, international finance, health economics, and industrial organization. He holds a PhD in Economics from the University of Chicago.
Photo from the University of Miami Website.
Lawrence J. White is the Arthur E. Imperatore Professor of Economics at the Stern School of Business, New York University. He has taken leave from NYU to serve in the U.S. Government three times: During 1986-1989 he was a Board Member on the Federal Home Loan Bank Board; during 1982-1983 he was the Chief Economist of the Antitrust Dvision of the U.S. Department of Justice; and in 1978-1979 he was a Senior Staff Economist on the President's Council of Economic Advisers. Among his publications is the S&L
Debate: Public Policy Lessons for Bank and Thrift Regulation, and he is the co-editor of The Antitrust Revolution: Economics, Competition and Policy.
Other Beard Books by Lawrence J. White:
Mergers and Acquisitions: Issues
from the Mid-Century Merger Wave (with Michael Keenan)

Preface |
vii |
Chapter 1. |
Introduction |
1 |
Lawrence G. Goldberg and Lawrence J.
White |
Part I. |
Overview and Some Issues |
7 |
Chapter 2. |
An Overview: New Myths and Old Realities |
9 |
Roy A. Schotland |
Chapter 3. |
Regulation in a National Market Environment |
31 |
Simon M. Lorne and Morris Mendelson |
Chapter 4. |
A Need for a Change in Direction in Regulation of the
Securities Markets |
63 |
Lee A. Pickard |
Chapter 5. |
Deregulation and the Capital Markets: The Impact of
Deposit Rate Ceilings and Restrictions against Variable Rate Mortgages |
71 |
Patric H. Hendershott |
Comment |
101 |
Michael A. Redisch |
Comment |
105 |
Robert Lindsay |
Comment |
109 |
Lawrence J. White |
Part II. |
The Securities Industry |
113 |
Chapter 6. |
The Scope of Deregulation in the Securities Industry |
115 |
Michael Keenan |
Chapter 7. |
In the Middle of the Regulation-Deregulation Road |
133 |
Edward I. O'Brien |
Chapter 8. |
The Semantics of Securities Industry Regulation |
141 |
Robert C. Hall |
Chapter 9. |
Deregulation of Fixed Commission Rates in the Securities
Industry |
151 |
Dan Roberts, Susan M. Phillips, and J.
Richard Zecher |
Comment |
Michael Mann |
Comment |
Robert W. Swinarton |
Comment |
Joshua Ronen |
Part III. |
The Banking Industry |
199 |
Chapter 10. |
The Deregulation of Banking? |
201 |
P. Michael Laub |
Chapter 11. |
Bank Holding Company Acquisitions, Competition, and Public
Policy |
219 |
Lawrence G. Goldberg |
Chapter 12. |
Bank Capital: The Regulator Versus the Market |
243 |
Benjamin Wolkowitz |
Comment |
Neal M. Soss |
Comment |
Barbara Goody Katz |
Comment |
A. Gilbert Heebner |
Part IV. |
The Intersection of the Two Industries and
Glass-Steagall |
271 |
Chapter 13. |
Banks and Securities Activities: Legal and Economic
Perspectives on the Glass-Steagall Act |
273 |
Franklin R. Edwards |
Chapter 14. |
The Intersection of the Banking and Securities Industries
and Future Deregulation |
295 |
James W. Stevens |
Chapter 15. |
The Intersection of the Banking and Securities Industries
and Future Deregulation |
305 |
Harvey A. Rowen |
Chapter 16. |
Deregulation of the Intersection of the Banking and
Securities Industries |
323 |
David L. Ratner |
Comment |
335 |
Robert C. Pozen |
Comment |
341 |
Howard H. Newman |
Comment |
347 |
Franz P. Opper |
Comment |
351 |
Almarin Phillips |
List of Conference Participants |
355 |
About the Editors |
357 |