Welcome to Our Conglomerate-You're Fired!
By Isadore Barmash
2003/03 - Beard Books
1587981734 - Paperback - Reprint - 252 pp.
The inside story of business takeovers and the circus that ensues in the merger field.
Publisher Comments
A lively and informative account of the most important and dynamic trend in business in the 60s and 70s: corporate mergers. Special attention is given to intrigues, deals, and methods that precede and accompany such mergers and to what happens to the executive personnel of the company that is absorbed. The book is peopled with salty and piquant characters who vie for interest with such real-life merger masters as Howard Hughes, Harold Geneen, and Norton Simon, among others.
Mr. Barmash brings style and wit to this well-researched view of the conglomerate phenomenon. He has written a book that informs and entertains in a highly readable manner.
From Amazon.Com:
This is a reprint of a previously published work. It is an account of corporate mergers--the most important and dynamic trend when this book was written. Special emphasis is placed on intrigues, deals, and methods that precede and accompany such mergers.

Isadore Barmash, a veteran business journalist and author, was associated with the New York Times for more than a quarter-century as business-financial writer and editor. He also contributed many articles for national media, Reuters America, and the Nikon Keizai Shimbun of Japan. He has published 13 books, including Macy's for Sale and Welcome to Our Conglomerate-You're Fired! He is listed in the 57th edition of Who's Who in America.
Other Beard Books by Isadore

Preface |
xi |
1. |
An Early Note on a Late-Hour Concept |
1 |
2. |
Mergeritis: An Infection Accompanied by Chills, Hot
Flashes and Paradoxes |
11 |
3. |
Where Were You When They Got That Urge to Merge? |
26 |
4. |
Who Built These Corporate Battlewagons? And the Pile
Drivers That Drove Them |
35 |
5. |
Marriages, Corporate Style |
48 |
6. |
Egomania, Money Mania, Merger Mania--How They Work |
58 |
7. |
Seven Categories of Shenanigans |
71 |
8. |
Trying to Live as One |
86 |
9. |
The People Crunch: The Grating, Not the Grateful, Life |
99 |
10. |
The Paper Wonderland |
114 |
11. |
From Howard Hughes to Dr. Hammer: The Top 25
Merger-Masters |
124 |
12. |
"We Got Sucked in by Our Own Publicity" |
155 |
13. |
"---Psst, Have I Got a Company for Your!" |
165 |
14. |
The Never-Never and the Hardly-Ever Mergers |
184 |
15. |
The Big Blast and the Big Scowl from Washington |
200 |
16. |
The Shape of the Future |
219 |
Glossary of Business and Financial Terms |
233 |