Sorted by last name: A-B
| C-F | G-K
| L-R | S-U | V-Z
Carol Gelderman |
Henry Ford: The Wayward Capitalist
Carol Gelderman received M.A.and Ph.D.degrees from Northwestern University. Originally hired by the University of New Orleans to teach modern drama, she is today Distinguished Professor of English. Dr.Gelderman has authored eight books, and has written dozens of articles on various topics.
Helen M.
Gibbs |
Helen M. Gibbs, was a Research Consultant, Teaching Specialist and Research Associate in the Graduate School of Business, Stanford University. |
Abraham L. Gitlow |
the Boss: The Importance of Leadership and Power
Abraham Gitlow is Dean Emeritus of the Stern School of Business, New York University. He is an honorary director of Bank Leumi USA. He is the author of numerous books and journal articles. |
Goodnow |
Administrative Law: In One Combined Volume; Volume-I
Organization, Volume-II Legal Relations
Goodnow was an American expert on government. He graduated from
Amherst, where he received both his B.A. (1879) and M.A (1887);
and then he earned his LL.B. in 1882 from Columbia. He taught
administrative law at Columbia for 30 years, was an adviser (1913–14) to the
revolutionary Chinese government on drafting the new constitution, and was
president (1914–29) of Johns Hopkins University.
Gold |
Fashion, Retailing and a Bygone Era: Inside Women's Wear Daily - A Look Back (with Isadore
Barmash, Marvin Klapper, Sandy Parker, Sidney Rutberg, Mort
Sheinman, and Stanley Siegelman)
Edward Gold spent 40 years at Fairchild Publications, 15 years on the
editorial side and 25 as Manager of Fairchild Books. As reporter and columnist,
he began on Women's Wear Daily, covering sales promotion and branch stores for
the feature section, "Store Operations." After seven years covering
the very volatile fur market, and a brief spell on general news, he was named
Retail Management Specialist for all Fairchild merchandising papers, a post he
held for five years until moving on to the Book Division. He took over
what was in the mid-sixties a non-profit unfocused "vanity press"
operation. He found a niche in the fashion education market and put the
operation in the black in his second year, and stayed there until his retirement
in 1991. Fairchild Books and WWD, sister operations, still function as part of
the Newhouse publishing empire.
G. Goldberg |
The Deregulation of the Banking and Securities Industries
Lawrence G. Goldberg is Professor of Finance at the Finance Department of University of Miami's School of Business Administration. He obtained his
A.B., from the University of Rochester in 1966, and his M.A (1969) and Ph.D. (1972) from University of Chicago.
Graham |
Parker Follett, Prophet of Management: A Celebration of Writings
from the 1920s
Based in London, Pauline Graham lectures, writes, and
consults on marketing and management. She has authored three books on Mary
Parker Follett.
Chipman Gray |
Rule Against Perpetuities John
Chipman Gray, 1839-1915, was an American lawyer and law
professor. He graduated from Harvard Law School in 1861, served
in the Civil War and then entered into the practice of law in
Boston. In 1869, he becan teaching at Harvard Law School and he
continued both practice and teaching until the last years of his
life. he was a leading advocate of the case system of teaching
law and was a recognized authority both in the United States and
England on the law of real property. His law firm, Ropes &
Gray, is one of the largest, is not the Largest, in Boston
Gras |
Business and
Capitalism: An Introduction to Business History
N.S.B. Gras, 1884-1956, was an economic historian. He was the first to thoroughly examine the field of business history and was the foremost authority in the field for the first half of the twentieth century. He was a Professor of Business History at the Graduate School of Business, Harvard University. In 1926, he founded the Business History Society and its Journal of Business History.
Greenblatt |
Dynamics of Institutional Change: The Hospital in Transition
(with Myron R. Sharaf, Ph.D., and Evelyn M. Stone)
Milton Greenblatt, M.D. was Commissioner of
the Massachusetts Department of Mental Health, Professor of
Psychiatry at Tufts University School of Medicine, and Lecturer
in Psychiatry at Harvard Medical School and Boston University
School of Medicine.
N. Gregoriou |
Performance Evaluation of Hedge Funds (with Fabrice
Rouah, and Komlan Sedzro)
Hedge Funds: Strategies, Risk Assessment, and Returns (with Fabrice
Rouah, and Vassilios N. Karavas) Greg
N. Gregoriou is assistant professor of finance and coordinator
of faculty research in the School in Business and Economics at
State University of New York (SUNY, Plattsburgh). He has
authored over 35 articles on hedge funds and managed futures in
various U.S. and U.K. peer-reviewed publications. He is also
hedge fund editor for the Derivatives Use, Trading and
Regulation a peer-reviewed journal published by Henry Stewart
Publications in London, England and was awarded the best paper
prize with Fabrice Rouah and Robert Auger at the Administrative
Sciences Association of Canada (ASAC) Conference in London,
Ontario in May 2001. He has over 20 professional publications in
brokerage and pension fund magazines. He currently provides
hedge fund and CTA quantitative and qualitative research for a
large Canadian corporation and specializes in the construction
and monitoring of funds of hedge funds using advanced
statistical techniques with Fabrice Rouah.
Grodinsky |
Consolidation: Its Economics & Controlling Principles
| Transcontinental
Railway Strategy, 1869-1893: A Study of Businessmen
Julius Grodinsky was a professor at the
Wharton School of Business and a foremost railroad historian.
Captain Francis Grose |
Classical Dictionary of the Vulgar Tongue (edited by Eric
Captain Francis Grose (1730-1791), was a notable antiquarian, famous for numerous works on or related to antiquities.
Peter Z. Grossman |
Express: The People Who Built the Great Financial Empire
Peter Z. Grossman has been the Clarence Efroymson Professor of Economics at Butler University, a position he has held since 1994. Dr. Grossman, who received his AB in philosophy from Columbia University and MA and Ph.D degrees in economics from Washington University, has specialized in the fields of law and economics, industrial organization, and economic history. Altogether, Dr. Grossman has published more than 150 works for both scholarly and general readers. He is a regular columnist on economic issues for The Indianapolis Star, and has contributed commentary to numerous magazines and newspapers.
Gerald Gunderson |
Entrepreneurial History of the United States
Gerald Gunderson has been the Shelby Cullom Davis Professor of American
Business and Economic Enterprise, and has been director of the Shelby Cullom Davis Endowment at Trinity College in Hartford, Connecticut, since 1982. He has held faculty appointments at the University of Massachusetts, Mount Holyoke College, and North Carolina State University. He earned a PhD in economics from the University of Washington in 1967. Professor Gunderson has published numerous academic papers and has authored columns in more than twenty newspapers in the United States. He served as president of the Association of Private Enterprise Education and is now editor of The Journal of Private
Haagensen |
Hundred Years of Medicine
Dr. Cushman Haagensen practiced as a surgeon
at Columbia Presbyterian Medical Center in NYC for fifty years
specializing in the area of breast diseases. He wrote three
editions of his classic textbook Diseases of the Breast, the
last edition being published in 1986. He was one of the first
physicians to develop a clinical classification system for
breast cancer. He showed that the use of Halstedian surgical
technique for mastectomy resulted in long term cures, and that
the chance of long term cures in the treatment of breast cancer
related to the stage at which the disease could be detected.
Hansen |
Executive Guide to Corporate Bankruptcy
Craig D. Hansen is co-chair of Squire, Sanders and Dempsey's
corporate restructuring
group. Mr. Hansen has
represented clients in restructurings in such diverse industry segments
as manufacturing, technology, financial services, real estate, health
care and casinos. Mr. Hansen is a nationally recognized
author and speaker on restructuring topics. Mr. Hansen is a member of the American
Bankruptcy Institute, the Commercial Law League of America and the
Bankruptcy Section of the State Bar of Arizona. (read
the full bio)
Kathryn Rudie Harrigan |
Declining Demand, Divestiture, and Corporate Strategy
Joint Ventures, Alliances, and Corporate Strategy
Vertical Integration, Outsourcing, and Corporate Strategy
Kathryn Rudie Harrigan is the Henry Kravis Professor of Business Leadership
at Columbia University, where she teaches the "Corporate Growth and
Development" course as well as other strategy electives and core courses.
She is the author of several books and numerous articles. A business leader,
corporate director, and respected scholar, she has received many honors
including the Columbia Business School's Schoenheimer Award for Excellence, an
IBM Research Fellowship in Business Administration, and a Division of Research
Fellowship from Harvard Business School, were she also earned a D.B.A.
E. Harris |
Economic History
Seymour Edwin Harris (1897-1974), an
economist, received an A.B. degree in 1920 and a Ph.D. in 1926
from Harvard. He taught throughout his lengthy career, and was
Chairman of the Department of Economics both at Harvard
University and the University of California, San Diego. He was
an adviser and consultant to numerous government officials,
boards, commissions and councils. Dr. Harris was the author of
more than twenty books, adn was the editor of the Review of
Economics and Statistics from 1943 to 1964 and associate editor
of the Quarterly Journal of Economics from 1947 to 1974.
Harris |
Curious and Famous Wills
Virgil M. Harris, was a member of the Saint
Louis bar, a lecturer on wills in the Saint Louis University
Institute of Law, and the author of law books.
Peter F.
Hartz |
Merger: The Exclusive
Inside Story of the Bendix-Martin Marietta Takeover War
Peter F.
Hartz was born in Toronto, Canada in 1953. He moved to the
United States in 1964 and has become a naturalized citizen. He
graduated from Colgate University in 1975 and received his
Master's in Writing from Brown University in 1977. He lives in
Toluca Lake, California.
C. Hazard, Jr. |
Games: The Changing Shape of Corporate Power
Arthur Fleischer, Jr., and Miriam Z. Klipper)
Geoffrey C. Hazard, Jr. is the Trustee Professor of Law, University of Pennsylvania and Director Emeritus, American Law Institute. Professor Hazard was Reporter for the American Bar Association special committee that drafted the lawyers' ethics code and is the author of several books and articles on legal ethics and civil procedure. He is a graduate of Columbia Law
Janelle Heineke |
Building a Health Care Organization: A Challenge for Physicians and Managers (with Stephen M.
Davidson and Marion McCollum)
Janelle Heineke is an Associate Professor and Chair of the Operations and Technology Management Department at Boston University’s School of Management. An associate Editor for the Journal of Operations Management, she holds a DBA from Boston University.
Helgensen |
A Story of Texans, Oil, and Money
Web of Inclusion: Architecture for Building Great Organizations
Sally Helgesen works as a speaker and a
consultant in the areas of leadership and workplace change. She
is the author of five books, including The Web of Inclusion: A
New Architechture for Building Great Organizations, which was
cited in the Wall Street Journal as one of the all-time best
books on leadership. Articles about her work have appeared in
Fortune and other leading business periodicals.
Hicks |
and Books Famous in the Law
First great
law librarian/scholar in the U.S., who was also the first
academic law librarian to serve as AALL president. Also a past
president of the University of Cincinnati.
James L.
High |
Treatise on the Law of Receivers
James L. High was a distinguished
lawyer in Chicago who earned his degree from the University of
Wisconsin in 1864. |
Hillard |
For Torts |
S.Y. Ho |
Making and the Changing Structure of the Securities Industry
(with Yakov Amihud and Robert A. Schwartz)
Thomas S. Y. Ho is the President of Thomas Ho Company,
consultants to major financial institutions on quantitative financial analysis.
He founded Global Advance Technology in 1987 which provided 200 financial
institutional clients worldwide portfolio analytics. He was a professor at Stern
School of Business, NYU from 1978-1989. He has published extensively in academic
journals and hold a Ph.D. in Mathematics from the University of Pennsylvania.
James J.
Hogan |
Advocates and Procurators: An Historical Synopsis and Commentary
James J. Hogan was born on October 17, 1911 in
Philadelphia. At the age of 26 he was ordained as a priest in
Trenton, NJ. He became an ordained bishop in February of 1960 in
Trenton, NJ. In 1966, he was appointed bishop in
Altoona-Johnstown, Pennsylvania where he remained until his
retirement in 1986.
Hood |
Heroic Enterprise: Business and the Common Good
Hood is President and Chairman of the John Locke Foundation, Raleigh, North
Carolina. He is also a syndicated columnist, television commentator, and a radio
host. He has authored three books and written articles for national publications
such as The Wall Street Journal, Investor's Business Daily, Nation's Business,
and Reader's Digest, while also appearing on CNN, CNBC, Fox News, and other
channels. Photo from the John Locke Foundation website.
Mark de
Wolfe Howe |
in American Legal History
Mark DeWolfe Howe was
secretary to Mr. Justice Holmes, 1933–1934. He was Holmes’s
authorized biographer and had access to all of his
correspondence and personal papers. He was Professor of
Law at Harvard University and a civil rights activist.
Homer Hoyt |
Hundred Years of Land Values in Chicago: The Relationship of the
Growth of Chicago to the Rise of Its Land Values, 1830-1933
Homer Hoyt was one of the early well respected real estate theorists who developed the theory that communities will tend to grow toward their largest neighboring city, all other things being equal. My Hoyt was overjoyed with the application of his theory in a modern setting and donated funds to establish the Homer Hoyt Center at Florida State University, which is now known as the Homer Hoyt Program in Land Economics and Finance.
Ernest W.
Huffcut |
of the Law of Agency
Wilson Huffcut, professor of law in the Cornell University Law
School, was born in Kent, Litchfield county, Connecticut on
November 21, 1860 and entered Cornell in 1880, graduating in
1884 with the degree of B.S. During the next year he acted as
private secretary to President White, upon whose resignation, in
1885, he became instructor in English. This position he held
three years, meantime studying law and graduating with the first
class from the Law School in 1888. He practiced law for two
years in Minneapolis, serving most of the time as judge
advocate-general of the State. In 1890 he accepted the position
of professor of law in Indiana University, and in 1892 in
Northwestern University, Chicago. In 1893 he was called as
professor of law at Cornell. He has been a frequent contributor
to legal periodicals and periodicals devoted to political
science. On the appointment of ex-President White as minister to
Russia, Mr. Huffcut was strongly urged for the position of
secretary of legation, but owing to his engagement with
Northwestern University Law School was obliged to withdraw his
name from consideration. He died in 1907.
Evans Hughes |
Supreme Court of the United States: Its Foundation, Methods and
Charles Evans Hughes, 1862-1948, was educated
at Madison (now Colgate) and Brown universities and at Columbia
University Law School. He practiced law in New York City, and
also taught at Columbia, Cornell, and New York law schools. He
was elected governor of New York in 1906 and re-elected for a
second term in 1908. He served as an Associate Justice of the
Supreme Court of the United States, 1910-1916. He was the
Republican candidate for President in 1916. He was the Secretary
of State, 1921-1925. Mr. Hughes was sworn in as Chief Justice of
the Supreme Court on February 24, 1930, and he retired in 1941.
Aurora Hunt |
Benedict: Frontier Federal Judge
Aurora Hunt also wrote Western Frontier Dragoon, Major General James Henry Carleton, 1814-1873 in 1958 and The Army of the Pacific; Its operations in California, Texas, Arizona, New Mexico, Utah, Nevada, Oregon, Washington, plains region, Mexico, etc. 1860-1866 in 1951.
Willard Hurst |
Legal History of Money: In the United States 1774-1970
J. Willard Hurst was born October 6, 1910, in
Rockford, Illinois, and educated at Williams College and Harvard
Law. He then worked as a research fellow for Felix Frankfurter
at Harvard, and clerked for Supreme Court Justice Louis D.
Brandeis. He was also on the faculty of both University of
Wisconsin Law School, Northwestern, Stanford, Utah, Madison and
Florida. He also served on the Board of Economic Warfare from
1942-43 and was a lieutenant in the U.S. Naval Reserve from
1943-46. In 1944, he helped prepare the first modern treason
case to come before the U.S. Supreme Court. He is the author of
many books including Law and The Conditions of Freedom in The
Nineteenth-century United States (1956), which is perhaps his
best known work; Law and Markets in U.S. History: Different
Modes of Bargaining among Interests (1983) and A Legal History
of Money in the United States. He is widely regarded as the
grandfather of American legal history.
Thomas H.
Jackson |
Logic and Limits of Bankruptcy Law
Thomas H. Jackson was educated in Williams
College and Yale Law School. He is the current president of the
University of Rochester, after being on the faculty of Harvard
Law, Stanford, and University of Virginia. He also clerked for
US District Court Judge Marvin E. Frankel from 1975 to 1976, and
for Supreme Court Justice William H. Rehnquist from 1976 to
1977. Fostered by his writings of bankruptcy and commercial
texts used in law schools around the country, he has close ties
with the practicing bankruptcy bar, including membership in the
National Bankruptcy Conference and amicus participation in major
bankruptcy cases. He has also served as Special Master for the
US Supreme Court in a dispute involving every state in the
nation over the disposition of unclaimed dividends held by
brokerage houses.
Rowland James |
The Story of Bank of America: Biography of a Bank
Bessie Rowland James was Marquis James'
first wife and co-author of some of his books.
James |
The Story of Bank of America: Biography of a Bank
Marquis James, 1891-1955, was a noted historian, journalist and biographer. He won two Pulitzer Prizes for biographies and authored a number of books, some co-authored with his first wife, Bessie Rowland James.
Johnston |
Tumultuous History of the Bank of America Takeover:
The New Wall Street Warriors: The Men, the Money, the Impact
Johnston was born in British Columbia. She has been a radio
writer/broadcaster, an investigative journalist, and the author
of seven books of non-fiction and dozens of articles. Her books
and articles have covered many different themes but almost
always deal with major contemporary social issues. She has
written for such publications as the New York Times Magazine,
Vanity Fair, National Geographic and Esquire. Ms. Johnston
currently resides in Napa Valley, where she founded Friends of
the Napa Valley, an environmentalist group.
Leonard A.
Jones |
Treatise on the Law of Liens: Common Law, Statutory, Equitable,
and Maritime
Leonard A. Jones was author of A Treatise on
Mortgages, Railroad Securities, and Pledges in addition to his
other works.
D. Kaluzny |
Evaluation and Decision Making for Health Services
(with James E. Veney)
Managing a Health Care Alliance: Improving Community Cancer Care (with Richard B.
Partners: Forming Strategic Alliances in Health Care
(with Howard S. Zuckerman and Thomas C. Ricketts III)
White Labyrinth: Guide to the Health Care System (with David
Barton Smith)
Dr. Kaluzny is Professor of Health Policy and
Administration in the UNC School of Public Health and a Senior
Fellow in the Cecil G. Sheps Center for Health Services Research. He
has been the recipient of numerous awards including the NCI Year
2000 Award, the Edward G. McGavran Award for Excellence in Teaching
and Bernard G. Greenberg Alumni Endowment Award. Dr. Kaluzny is a
nationally recognized expert in cancer prevention and control,
health services research and evaluation, and organizational theory
and behavior. He has served on numerous national committees
including Chairman of the Board of Scientific Counselors for the NCI
Division of Cancer Prevention and Control, was a member of the NCI
Special Review Group on Cancer Control, and presently serves as an
Associate Editor of the Journal of the National Cancer Institute. He
is the author of numerous articles and has co-authored several
books, including Managing a Health Care Alliance: Improving
Community Cancer Care, with Richard Warnecke, and Partners for the
Dance: Forming Strategic Alliances in Health Care, with Howard
Zuckerman and Thomas Ricketts.
Vassilios N. Karavas |
Hedge Funds: Strategies, Risk Assessment, and Returns
(with Greg N.
Gregoriou and Fabrice Rouah)
Vassilios N. Karavas is currently Director of
Research at Schneeweis Partners in Amherst, Massachusetts. His
research focus is on alternative optimization techniques ranging
from disequilibrium market models to hedge fund portfolio selection.
Vassilis holds a Ph.D. in Operations Research from the University of
Massachusetts at Amherst, a Ms. and a Diploma in Industrial
Engineering from the Technical University of Crete - Chania, Greece.
He is also a research associate of Center for International
Securities and Derivatives Market (CISDM).
M. Katsh |
Limits of Corporate Power: Existing Constraints on the
Exercise of Corporate Discretion
with Ira M. Millstein
Salem M. Katsh, head of the Intellectual Property Group at Shearman and Sterling, joined the firm as a partner in 1997. He is an experienced trial lawyer whose practice focuses on patent, trade secret, trademark, unfair competition, and antitrust litigation. Formerly at Weil, Gotshal &
Manges, he was founder and co-head of the Patent and Technology Litigation Group, one of the first patent-oriented practice groups to be formed at a major general practice law firm.
S. Kaufman |
Investment Banking: To the Abyss and Back
(with Henry F. Owsley)
Peter S. Kaufman is Managing Director
and Head of Restructuring and Distressed M&A practice
at the New York-based investment bank of Gordian Group,
LLC. He has over 25 years experience in the business of
solving complex financial challenges as an investment
banker and, formerly, as an attorney. Mr. Kaufman is the
founding Co-Chairman of the Committee on Investment
Banking of the American Bankruptcy Institute (ABI). He is
the co-author, with Henry Owsley, of The Role of the
Investment Banker in Distressed M&A and the co-author
of Trading in the Distressed Market. He has consistently
been named one of the ten leading national investment
bankers in financial restructurings by The Deal. Mr.
Kaufman graduated with honors from Yale College and
received a J.D. degree from the University of Virginia
School of Law.
W. Keidel |
Players: Designs for Working and Winning Together
Plans: Sports Strategies for Business
Organizational Patterns: A New Theory and Language of
Organizational Design
Robert W. Keidel is Visiting Professor
of Management at LeBow College of Business, Drexel
University, where he teaches (Executive) MBA courses in
strategy, technology, and organization. He is also the
principal of Robert Keidel Associates in Wyncote, PA. He
was a Senior Fellow at the Wharton School, University of
Pennsylvania; faculty Fellow at the US Office of Personnel
Management; and Program Consultant at the National Center
for Productivity and Quality of Working Life. He is the
author of three other books and numerous articles. He
holds a B.A. from Williams College and an M.B.A. and Ph.D.
from the Wharton School.
Kellor |
Arbitration: Its History, Functions and Achievements
Frances Alice Kellor (1873-1952), was a
pioneering sociologist, advocate for workers, advocate for the
naturalization of American immigrants and an authority on
arbitration. Kellor earned her law degree in 1897 from Cornell
Law School. Her other books include Experimental Sociology,
Descriptive and Analytical: Delinquents written in 1901, Out of
Work written in 1904, Straight America in 1916, and Immigration
and the Future in 1920. Her studies on worldwide issues of
conflict and arbitration made her a recognized authority on the
topic (American Council of Learned Societies, 1977). She was an
officer in the American Arbitration Association and prepared the
Code of Arbitration in 1931.
Kennan |
Harriman: Railroad Czar
George Kennan was an American journalist,
author, lecturer, and explorer who was responsible for much of
what late nineteenth century Americans knew about the Russian
Empire. E. H. Harriman: A Biography is the biography authorized
and paid for by Mary Harriman after her husband's death. George
Kennan distant relative, George F. Kennan, became a leading
figure in U.S. foreign policy.
Duncan Kennedy |
Rise and Fall of Classical Legal Thought
Duncan Kennedy is the Carter Professor of General
Jurisprudence at Harvard Law School. He has written on a wide variety of
legal topics and was one of the founders of the critical legal studies
Carl Kester |
Japanese Takeovers: The
Global Contest for Corporate Control
W. Carl Kester, teaches finance in Harvard Business
School's MBA and Executive Education Programs. He joined the Harvard
faculty in 1981, where he currently serves as Senior Associate Dean and
Chairman of the MBA Program. He has published widely on Japanese
corporate finance and strategic resource allocation. He was awarded the
1987 O'Melveny & Meyers Centennial Grant in support of his research
for this book. Photo from the Harvard Business School website.
A. Khoury |
Transnational Mergers and Acquisitions in the United States
Sarkis J. Khoury holds a Ph.D. in International
Finance from the Wharton School, University of Pennsylvania. He is
currently a Professor of Finance and International Finance at the
University of California, Riverside. He also serves as the Executive
Director of International Programs at the Anderson Graduate School of
Business. Dr. Khoury, who has authored or edited 23 books and monographs
on a wide variety of financial and economic issues and written numerous
articles for leading journals in the United States, is a noted lecturer
on the international scene.
H. Kilmann |
Beyond the Quick Fix:
Managing Five Tracks to Organizational Success
Ralph H. Kilmann is an internationally recognized authority on systems
change, and has consulted for numerous corporations throughout the United States
and Europe. He has authored more than fifteen books and one hundred articles on
such subjects as organizational theory, organizational design, and change
management. From 2002 through 2003, he was the Visiting Scholar for the College
of Business Administration, California State University at Long Beach. Formerly,
he was the George H. Love Professor of Organization and Management at the Katz
Graduate School of Business at the University of Pittsburgh. That University had
been his professional home for thirty years. Since 1975, he has been the
president of a firm specializing in quantum transformations. He earned both his
B.S. degree and M.S. degree in industrial administration from Carnegie Mellon
University and a Ph.D. degree in management from the University of California at
Los Angeles.
Marvin Klapper |
Fashion, Retailing and a Bygone Era: Inside Women's Wear Daily - A Look Back (with Isadore
Barmash, Edward Gold, Sandy Parker, Sidney Rutberg, Mort
Sheinman, and Stanley Siegelman)
Marvin Klapper's 45-year career with Fairchild Publications began in 1947 when he joined the firm's Market Research department. A veteran of World War II, he served in the Army in the European Theater of Operations as a member of the 308th Artillery Battalion of the 78th Division. He has authored several books: Legacy in Lace, Reflections of a Lace Man, Fairchild's Fabric Almanac, and Dan River's Dictionary of Textile Terms. His love has always been fibers and fabrics, he says, because they are the stuff fashion is made of and that has always been the name of the game at Women's Wear Daily. Called "Mr. Fabrics," he retired in 1992 as an Associate Editor of Women's Wear Daily and Senior Textile Editor, after having been a reporter, columnist, and Editor-in-Chief of Home Furnishing Daily. His Fabric Editor was the legendary Ann Mullany, whose primary instructions to him were to stop chewing pencils and wear glasses.
Klebaner |
Commercial Banking: A History
Benjamin J. Klebaner is
a professor of economics at City College of the City University
of New York. He earned his Ph.D. from Columbia University and
taught at Rutgers University before joining the faculty of City
College in 1954. An expert on banking practices past and
present, Professor Klebaner has frequently testified before
congressional banking and currency committees. For sixteen years
he served as a regional economist for the office of the
comptroller of the currency. He is a past associate editor of
the Journal of Money, Credit and Banking.
A. Klein |
Analyzing Modern Business Cycles: Essays Honoring Geoffrey H.
A. Klein is Professor Emeritus of Economics of the Pennsylvania State
University, and is a noted authority on international business cycles.
Klein received his Ph.D. in economics from the University of California-Berkeley
in 1948. He joined Penn State in 1945 as an instructor, being successively
promoted to assistant, then associate and then professor in 1958. His long-standing research agenda centered on economic stabilization.
As research associate at the Center for International Business Cycle
Research, Columbia University, and as senior research associate with
Economic Cycle Research Institute, New York, he made major contributions
to the measurement and dating of national and international cycles. He
also was a leader in the revival of the new institutional economics and
published several important articles on the subject. His professional career has had a strong international character. He
received several Fulbright professorships and visiting appointments.
Z. Klipper |
Games: The Changing Shape of Corporate Power (with
Arthur Fleischer, Jr., and Geoffrey C. Hazard, Jr.)
Miriam Z. Klipper is an Assistant District Attorney at the New York County District Attorney's Office, prosecuting corporate and financial fraud. She has practiced as a corporate attorney with a Wall Street Firm and served as a consultant on privatization and corporate governance in Eastern
Europe. Ms. Klipper is a graduate of the Yale Law School.
H. Knight |
Uncertainty and Profit
Frank Hyneman Knight went from a farming
childhood in Illinois to teaching at the University of Chicago,
where he influenced many modern economists, including Nobel
Laureate James Buchanan. His works on risk and uncertainty
created a foundation for economic theory while repeatedly
drawing on evidence and the everyday experiences of business
owners, families, and ethical considerations. |
Korkunov |
Theory of Law
N.M. Korkunov was a professor at the
University of Saint Petersburg in Russia.
His specialty lecturers were on common and state law.
Gary P.
Kraus |
Care Risk Management: Organization and Claims Administration
Gary P. Kraus was born in Southern California and received an undergraduate degree from Tulane University and a MBA from George Washington University. He became a Clinic Administrator and Instructor at Tulane University School of Public Health and Tropical Medicine, and then moved to St. Louis to become an Assistant Professor and Director of Allied Health at Maryville College. After graduation from the Law School at Washington University, he became the
Chairman of the Department of Health Administration at the University of Health Sciences/Chicago Medical School. He then became the Director of Professional Liability and Risk Management, as well as the Professor of Health Services Management at the University of Missouri. He also became a faculty member for the Joint Commission on Accreditation of Health Care Organizations. A return to Chicago followed as an Assistant Legal Counsel and Director of Risk Management at Northwestern Memorial Hospital. Later, he was the Director of Quality Risk Management of the American Association of Nurse Anesthetists. He then returned to Missouri to become an Assistant Attorney General. Today, he is a founding partner of Registrar, Incorporated, and is a fellow of the American Society for Health Care Risk Management. Mr. Kraus is married and has two sons.
Karen Kressin |
Small Business Bankruptcy Reorganizations (with James A.
Pusateri and James J. O'Malley)
Karen Kressin is an attorney licensed to practice in Kansas and Colorado. A summa cum laude graduate of Georgetown University, she earned her law degree at the University of Kansas, where she served as technical editor of the Kansas Law Review. She was a law clerk for the late J. Richard Foth, Chief Judge of the Kansas Court of Appeals, for Justice Fred N. Six of the Kansas Supreme Court, and for United States Bankruptcy Judge James A.
Jordan Kroop |
Executive Guide to Corporate Bankruptcy
Jordan A. Kroop’s practice emphasizes bankruptcy and corporate
restructuring matters. He has appeared before many
federal and state courts. He has
authored many articles published in national bankruptcy-related
periodicals and has prepared materials for, and spoken on panels at,
many national and regional seminars and symposia. The national
publication Turnarounds & Workouts named Mr. Kroop as one
of the nation’s 12 Outstanding Young Bankruptcy Lawyers for 2000.
He is a member of the American
Bankruptcy Institute and the Bankruptcy Section of the State Bar of
Arizona. (read
the full bio)
Edward Kroos |
History of the United States
(with Paul Studenski)
Herman Edward Krooss, 1912-1975, was an educator and author. He received a
Ph.B. from Muhlenberg College in 1934, an M.A. from the University of Pennsylvania in 1935, and a Ph.D. from New York University in 1947. He was on the faculty at New York University from 1947 to 1975, which included being a Professor of Economics from 1953 to 1975 and Department Chairman from 1959 to 1965. He was the author or editor of numerous books.