Milton C. Lauenstein |
What's Your Game Plan? Creating Business Strategies that Work
Milton C. Lauenstein has had a long career as a top executive. He was CEO of Ventron Corporation for 14 years. Subsequently, he served as director of over a dozen corporations and was Chairman of three of them. He was on the staff of A.T. Kearney & Co. for three years and later headed his own consulting firm. He taught business policy and strategy at the University of Chicago Graduate School of Business and at Northeastern University. He has written numerous articles on business strategy and was a contributing editor for the Journal of Business Strategy. He served as President of the International Business Center of New England and as director of other business groups. He holds an engineering degree from Purdue University and an MBA from the University of Chicago.
Gail Gates
Lawler |
Short Historical Introduction to the Law of Real Property
Gail Gates Lawler was a member of the Philadelphia Bar Association.
John J.
Lawler |
Short Historical Introduction to the Law of Real Property
J. John Lawler was a professor at the University of Pittsburgh School of Law.
Levich |
Exchange Rates and Corporate Performance
(with Yakov Amihud)
Richard M. Levich is Professor of Finance and International Business at New York University's Leonard N. Stern School of Business. He is also a Research Associate with the National Bureau of Economic Research in Cambridge, Massachusetts. He currently serves as Editor of The Journal of International Financial Management and Accounting. Professor Levich has been a visiting faculty member at many distinguished universities in the United States and abroad. He has lectured in many executive education programs and has been a consultant or visiting scholar at the Federal Reserve Board of Governors, the International Monetary Fund and the World Bank. He has published more than fifty articles on various topics dealing with international finance, and is the author or editor of thirteen books. Professor Levich received his Ph.D. from the University of Chicago. |
Beryl H.
Levy |
and Frontiers of Legal Thinking: With Selected Opinions
Beryl H. Levy was a professor at the Columbia
University School of Law.
R. Levy |
Financial Planning for High Net Worth Individuals
(with Richard H. Mayer) Donald R. Levy, JD, MBA, is an attorney and benefits consultant. A graduate
of Harvard College (cum laude) and Harvard Law School, he also received an MBA
in accounting from New York University where he received the New York State
Society of CPAs prize for being first in his graduating class among accounting
majors. A combat veteran of World War II, he practiced law with Wall Street
firms, became Vice President in the employee benefit consulting department of
Johnson & Higgins, and then became Vice President-Human Resources, Personnel
and Industrial Relations, Policy and Planning at United States Tobacco Company
(now UST, Inc.) from where he retired. Then as Senior Technical Consultant with
Prentice Hall, he authored their updated Pension Handbook. He subsequently
became Senior Technical Consultant for Research Institute of America. Mr. Levy
has since authored or edited a number of books from his own office including the
IRA Answer Book, Executive Compensation Treatise, 403(b) Answer Book, Guide to
Cash Balance Plans, Quick Reference Guide to IRAs, and the State-by-State Guide
to Managed Care Law. He has taught at the University of Connecticut and Mount
Holyoke College, has served as panelist for the Practicing Law Institute, and
has lectured before other professional groups.
P. Lewis |
Team-Based Project Management
Working Together: 12 Principles for Achieving Excellence in Managing Projects, Teams, and Organizations
James P. Lewis is President of Lewis Institute, Inc., a training and consulting company specializing in project management, which he founded in 1981. An experienced project manager, he teaches seminars on the subject throughout the U.S., England, and the Far East. He is a member of the Project Management Institute. He holds a B.S. in Electrical Engineering and a Ph.D. in Psychology from North Carolina State University in Raleigh. Lewis lives with his
wife, Lea Ann, in Vinton, Virginia.
Livermore |
Land Companies: Their Influence on Corporate Development
Shaw Livermore was Professor Emeritus of
History at the University of Michigan
E.B. Lloyd |
Hundred Years of Medicine |
Lovett |
Corporate Recovery: Managing Companies in Distress
(with Stuart Slatter)
Lovett is a Principal with AlixPartners, an internationally recognized firm that
helps companies improve operating and financial performance and restore
corporate value. He has some twenty-five years' experience advising troubled
companies and in leading many restructurings and turnarounds, acting as CFO or
CRO. He formerly was with Andersen and established their London-based turnaround
practice. He is a business graduate from The University of Westminster, London,
a fellow of the Institute of Chartered Accountants of England and Wales, and a
fellow and founding member of the Society of Turnaround Professionals.
Macdonald |
Calling a Halt to Mindless Change: A Plea for Commonsense Management
John Macdonald is a recognized pioneer in
bringing the quality and managerial revolution to Britain. In
the United States, he has been referred to as "the leader
of the new wave of implementers." As the author of numerous
books, and as a sought-after speaker, his credibility has been
firmly established to discuss the new management culture. His
experience in business, politics, and in teaching enhance his
regarded reputation for practical advice. |
Mace |
Judicial Review and American Democracy
George Mace is emeritus faculty from Southern Illinois University at Carbondale and presently a faculty member at John A. Logan College, Carterville, Illinois. Mace is internationally published, and is a world renowned scholar highly regarded for his studies in western political and legal theory, democratic theory, and American constitutional history.
C. MacMillan |
Corporate Venturing: Creating New Businesses Within the Firm
(with Zenas Block)
Ian C. MacMillan is the Director of the Saul C. Snider Entrepreneurial Center
and George W. Taylor Professor of Entrepreneurial Studies at Wharton. He joined
the Center in June 1986, after having served as the Director of Entrepreneurial
Studies at New York University. |
Madrick |
America: How We Got from the First Hostile Takeover to
Megamergers, Corporate Raiding and Scandal
Jeff Madrick is a contributing economics columnist for the New York Times,
editor of Challenge Magazine, and a contributor to the New York Review of Books.
He was formerly a reporter and a commentator for NBC News and Finance Editor of
Business Week magazine. He teaches at Cooper Union and the New School
Sir Henry
Maine |
Ancient Law
Sir Henry James Sumner Maine, 1822-1888, was a distinguished lawyer, academic, and civil servant in mid-Victorian England. He held chairs in Civil Law at Cambridge and Oxford, was the legal member of the Council of
India, 1862-1869, and Master of Trinity Hall at Cambridge from 1877. He was a pioneer in the historical and comparative study of institutions, and his prolific writings had a great
influence on modern anthropology.
Barry Marcus |
Unique Value: The Secret of All Great Business Strategies
(with Andrea Dunham)
Barry Marcus is one of the founders of Dunham & Marcus, a preeminent general management and brand marketing consulting firm. He is currently Chief Executive Officer of Unique Value International, Inc. a business, marketing and brand consultancy where he helped develop the proprietary Unique Value = ROI model, a model used to create many successful businesses and brands in the US for Fortune 500 companies. Photo from the back cover.
Mitchell Lee Marks |
the Merger: Making It Work (with Philip H. Mirvis)
Mitchell Lee Marks is a leading international expert on the human and organizational aspects of corporate mergers, and principal
in the Los Angeles office of William M. Mercer, Inc, one of the world's foremost consulting firms.
H. Mayer |
Financial Planning for High Net Worth Individuals
(with Donald R. Levy) Richard H. Mayer, Chartered Life Underwriter, Registered Investment Advisor.
Mr. Mayer has more than 40 years of experience in the insurance industry where
he specializes in advising high net worth individuals and in developing
executive compensation plans. He is the chairman of an insurance company in
Bermuda. He is considered a leading expert in variable annuities and has
pioneered the development of private placement variable life insurance. Mr.
Mayer has designed the executive benefit plans of thirteen FORTUNE 500
companies. Mr. Mayer was an infantry captain during the Korean War where he was
awarded the Bronze Star for Valor. He attended Wesleyan University in
Middletown, Connecticut.
Marion McCollum |
Building a Health Care Organization: A Challenge for Physicians and Managers (with Stephen M. Davidson and Janelle
Marion McCollom Hampton, Ph.D., is an organizational consultant, educator, and lecturer. She served on the Organizational Behavior faculty of Boston University’s School of Management from 1986 to 1997 and now works with the Owner-Managed Business Institute in Boston.
McDonald |
The Rise and Fall of a Billionaire Utility Tycoon
Forrest McDonald retired in 2002 as
Distinguished University Research Professor at the University of
Alabama after a teaching career at Brown University, Wayne State
University, and the University of Alabama spanning more than 40
years. He is the author of numerous books. He has five children,
nine grandchildren, and three great-grandchildren. He lives with
his wife Ellen on a farm outside Coker, Alabama.
McDowell |
Carl E. McDowell was Executive Vice President
of the American Institute of Marine Underwriters and an
Associate Professor of Transportation and Foreign Trade in The
Graduate School of Business, Stanford University
Reginald C.
McGrane |
Bondholders and American State Debts
Reginald C. McGrane complete the necessary study for writing Foreign Bondholders and American State Debts in Canada, England and Holland. This study was made possible by the award of a fellowship grant by the Guggenheim Foundation. A grant from the Trustees of the Charles Phelps Taft Memorial Fund enabled him to complete the writing of the manuscript.
Albert P. Melone |
Judicial Review and American Democracy
Albert P. Melone is a professor of political science at Southern Illinois University at Carbondale. He has been on the faculty since 1979. Prior to this, he taught at Idaho State University and was then a member and chairperson of the Department of Political Science at North Dakota State University. Melone is the author, co-author, and editor of eleven books. He has also written numerous scholarly articles, book chapters, encyclopedia pieces, and book reviews.
J. Mercer |
Railroads and Land Grant Policy
E. H. Harriman: Master
Lloyd J. Mercer is currently teaching economics at the University of California Santa Barbara. He has both a Ph.D. and M.A in Economics from the University of Washington, a B.S. in Agriculture and a M.A. in Agricultural Economics from Washington State University. He has written extensively on land grants and railroads as well as on general economics topics.
Metz |
Black Monday: The Stock Market
Catastrophe of October 19, 1987
After a twenty-three year career at The Wall Street Journal, Tim Metz left in
January 1989, months after the book was published, to begin a now 15-year career
as a top Madison Avenue financial, corporate, and crisis management advisor. In
1998, he started his own financial communications and media relations strategy
and execution firm, today known as Hullen Metz & Co. LLC. Mr. Metz earned
his bachelor's and master's degrees in Journalism at Marquette University in
1961 and 1966, respectively. He is married to Geraldine Fabrikant, a Senior
Writer at the New York Times, and lives in New York City.
Alexander Miller |
Landmarks in Medicine: Laity
Lectures of the New York Academy of Medicine
Dr. James Alexander Miller received his medical degree in 1899. He was a co-director of Tuberculosis (later Chest) Service of the Columbia Division at Bellevue Hospital in New York. He was assigned to Bellevue by the Department of Medicine of the College of Physicians and Surgeons and arrived at The Chest Service at Bellevue, first designated the Tuberculosis Service, in 1903.
Ira M. Millstein |
The Limits of Corporate Power: Existing Constraints on the Exercise of Corporate Discretion
with Salem M. Katsh
M. Millstein is Senior Partner in the international law firm Weil, Gotshal & Manges LLP, where in addition to practicing in the areas of government regulation and antitrust law, he has counseled the boards of numerous large corporations on the issues of corporate governance. He is chairman of the Board of Advisors of the International Institute for Corporate Governance and the first Eugene F. Williams, Jr. Visiting Professor in Competitive Enterprise and Strategy at the Yale School of Management.
Meade Minnigerode |
Financial Giants in United States History
Meade Minnegrode, 1887-1967, received a B.A. from Yale in 1910, and was the author of numerous books. In addition to experience in the book publishing field and in business enterprises, he was a member of the Defense Council, and he was awarded the French Commemorative Medal for service with French troops, the French Victory Medal, and the Army Air Forces Aircraft Warning Service Medal.
Minor |
Aspects of Health Care Reimbursement
James D. Minor, formerly a law professor at the
University of Mississippi, has his own law practice in Oxford,
Philip H. Mirvis |
the Merger: Making It Work (with Mitchell Lee Marks )
Philip H. Mirvis is an organizational psychologist whose practice centers on mergers and acquisitions. He has lead seminars throughout the US and lectured in both Europe and Japan on managing the merger process
Terence F.
Moore |
Hospital Turnarounds:
Lessons in Leadership
Terence F. Moore, MBA, MHA is president and CEO of Mid-Michigan Health
headquartered in Midland Michigan. He is a fellow of the American college of
Healthcare Executives, a past member of the board of the Michigan Hospital
Association, and past chairman of the 23-member East Central Michigan Hospital
Council. His most recent of many honors is the Meritorious Key Award from the
Michigan Hospital Association, which he received in 1992. He has published 60
articles and two books, and is the coauthor or coeditor of five others.
R. Morris |
Computer Wars: The Post IBM World
Prior to joining CapitalThinking, Charles Morris was for fifteen years Managing Director of Devonshire Partners, a consulting firm specializing in financial services and high technology. Clients included Merrill Lynch, the Blackstone Group, Equitable Capital, Apple, Xerox, and Texas Instruments. Previously, he was a Corporate Banking Group Executive at the Chase Manhattan Bank (responsible for loan pricing, currency consulting, trade banking, and cash management services) and was a member of the startup group for one of the country’s first successful for-profit private-practice HMOs. Charlie is also a lawyer, admitted to practice in New York and Washington State, and has written several well-received books and many articles (Harvard Business Review, Atlantic Monthly, New York Times, and Wall Street Journal) on finance and technology.
S. Morse |
Reasonableness of the Law
Franklyn S. Morse was an instructor in history
in the Collegiate School of New York City.
A. Nammacher |
in Junk Bonds: Inside the High Yield Debt Market (with Edward
I. Altman)
Scott A. Nammacher holds a B.S. degree in Business from the University of Minnesota and a M.B.A. in Finance from New York University. He is a Principal and Managing Director of Empire Valuation Consultants, Inc., where he has worked since 1992. Mr. Nammacher has had extensive experience in financial consulting, business valuations, and
acquisitions/divestitures. He has testified as an expert witness in a number of court cases, including litigation regarding a high-yield bond portfolio and has authored a number of articles on "junk"
William E. Nelson |
Literature of American Legal History (with John Phillip Reid)
The Roots of American
Bureaucracy: 1830 – 1900
William E. Nelson is Edward Weinfeld Professor of
Law and History at New York University.
Nitin Nohria |
Beyond the Hype:
Rediscovering the Essence of Management (with Robert G.
Nitin Nohria is the Richard P. Chapman Professor of Business Administration
and Chairman of the Organizational Unit at the Harvard Business School. He
serves on the advisory boards of several firms. In 1988, Professor Nohria
received his Ph.D. in Management from the Sloan School of Management,
Massachusetts Institute of Technology, and a B. Tech. in Chemical Engineering
from the Indian Institute of Technology, Bombay.
Morris A. Nunes |
The Right Price for Your Business
Balance Sheet
Management: Squeezing Extra Profits and Cash from Your Business
Morris A. Nunes is an attorney in private practice in Falls Church, Virginia, with over 25 years experience. His practice is concentrated in businesses and associations, real estate, taxation, and financial matters. He holds a B.A. from the University of Pennsylvania and a
B.B.S. from the Wharton School, in addition to a law degree from Georgetown University. He serves as an Adjunct Professor at Catholic University's Columbus School of Law and at Georgetown University Law Center. He is also the author of five books on business and legal subjects and numerous articles.
L. Nussbaum |
Early History of Economic Institutions of Europe
L. Nussbaum, 1885-1958, was an internationally acclaimed
historian. He received a B.A. degree at Cornell in 1906 and a
Ph.D. degree form University of Pennsylvania in 1915. After
teaching at Northwestern, Temple, and the University of Southern
California, he joined the faculty at the University of Wyoming
in 1925 and taught there until his retirement in 1956. He was
the author of numerous books, articles and reviews.
H. Olson |
Baltimore: The Building
of an American City
Sherry H. Olson is a Professor of geography at McGill University in Montreal. She holds a Ph.D. in geography from The Johns Hopkins University. During her twelve-year stay in Baltimore, Dr. Olson was active in many civic organizations, neighborhood groups, urban renewal and model cities councils, an educational task force, and a commission on historic preservation.
Ottoson |
Use Policy in the United States
Ottoson is a Emeritus Professor of Agricultural Economics at the
University of Nebraska after serving as its Executive Vice
President and Provost. He has memberships in different
organizations, notable of which are the International
Association of Agricultural Economics and the American
Agricultural Economics Association. He lives in Lincoln,
F. Owsley |
Investment Banking: To the Abyss and Back (with Peter
Henry F. Owsley is a founding partner and
Chief Executive Officer of the New York based investment bank
Gordian Group, LLC. He has over 25 years experience in the
business of solving complex financial challenges as an
investment banker. He is the co-author, with Peter Kaufman, of
The Role of the Investment Banker in Distressed. He has
consistently been named one of the ten leading investment
bankers involved in bankruptcies and financial restructurings by
The Deal. Mr. Owsley graduated summa cum laude from Princeton
University and has a Master of Science degree from Massachusetts
Institute of Technology, Sloan School of Management.
E. Parker |
American Cities: The Urban Real Estate Game
Robert E. Parker (Ph.D. University of Texas)
is currently a full professor of sociology at the University of
Nevada, Las Vegas, where he has taught and researched since
1989. In addition to Building American Cities, he is the author
of Flesh Peddlers and Warm Bodies: The Temporary Help Industry
and Its Workers (Rutgers, 1994). He has authored approximately
65 other articles, chapters, and book reviews, most of which are
in the areas of urban sociology and the sociology of work. |
Sandy Parker |
Fashion, Retailing and a Bygone Era: Inside Women's Wear Daily - A Look Back (with Isadore
Barmash, Edward Gold, Marvin Klapper, Sidney Rutberg, Mort
Sheinman, and Stanley Siegelman)
Sandy Parker is a former editor of Women's
Wear Daily. |
Leonard A.
Parry |
Famous Medical Trials
Dr. Leonard S. Parry was a physician and
Fellow of the Royal College of Surgeons.
Partridge |
Classical Dictionary of the Vulgar Tongue (authored by Captain Francis Gross)
Eric Partridge (1894-1979) was a lexicographer. He authored over forty books on the English language.
J. Peel |
The Liquidation/Merger Alternative
Michael J. Peel is a Professor of Financial
Management at the Cardiff Business School where he teaches
Managerial Finance and Accounting. He received his LLB (Hons)
from Leeds University, an MBA from Bradford Management Centre,
He was also awarded by the Association of Chartered Certified
Accountants (ACCA) a CDipAF.
Petzinger, Jr. |
Oil & Honor:
The Texaco-Pennzoil Wars; Inside the $11 Billion Battle for
Getty Oil
Petzinger, Jr. has spent 20 years as a reporter, editor and
columnist for The Wall Street Journal, where he created the
widely read weekly column, "The Front Lines." He grew
up in Youngstown, Ohio, and received his journalism degree from
Northwestern University.
Pickens |
Luckiest Guy in the World
Boone Pickens was born on May 22, 1928 in Holdenville, Oklahoma.
He then moved on to Amarillo and attended Texas A&M in 1951.
After working as a roughneck and in a refinery, he became a
geologist for Phillips Petroleum, which he left in 1954.
He founded Mesa Petroleum in 1956, when he founded Petroleum
Exploration with Eugene McCartt and John O'Brien. In
1959, Pickens formed Altair Oil and Gas Company which explored
oil in Canada, serving both as president and major stockholder.
The next years saw continuous growth, with the formation of
Standard Gilsonite in 1960, and remarkable increase in both
employees and investors. PEI eventually evolved to become Mesa
Petroleum (after a friendly merger with Pioneer, a large
Amarillo independent oil and gas company), also known as Mesa
Limited Partnership, the nation's largest independent producer
of domestic oil and gas and one of its largest gas producers. Mr. Pickens is a respected spokesman for business
and industry. He has earned a national reputation for his
innovative thinking and executive management. (read
the full bio)
Harlan D.
Platt |
Companies Fail: Strategies for Detecting, Avoiding, and
Profiting from Bankruptcy The First Junk
Bond: A Story of Corporate Boom and Bust
D. Platt is Professor of Finance in the College of Business
Administration at Northeastern University. He is the author of
two other books, The first Junk Bond an Principles of Corporate
Renewal, and has published over 35 academic articles. Professor
Platt is also the faculty dean of the Turnaround Management
Association, where he created and administers its certification
program. He serves on the board of directors of Prospect Street
High Income Portfolio, Inc., listed on the NYSE, and VSI
Enterprises, Inc. on the NASDAQ, and is president of 911RISK,
Inc. a firm specializing in developing analytical models that
predict corporate distress.
A. Puckett |
Comprehensive Emergency Mental Health Care
(with Joseph J. Zealberg and Alberto B. Santos)
Jackie Puckett is an Assistant Professor of Social Work Limestone College. He finished his
B.S.W. at Clinch Valley College of the University of Virginia,
M.S.S.W. at the University of Tennessee and is a Licensed Master Social Worker. His areas of interests lie in program development in the areas of Aging, Mental Health, Emergency Psychiatry and Family Services. |
Henry G.
Prout |
Life of George Westinghouse
Henry G. Prout wrote this book "for a
committee of the American Society of Mechanical Engineers,"
whose chairman was Charles A. Terry. Both Prout and Terry were
associates of Westinghouse.
A. Raelin |
Career Development for Professionals
A. Raelin is Professor of Management at the Boston College Wallace E.
Carroll School of Management. He received his Ph.D. from the State University of New
York at Buffalo. His research has centered on executive and professional
education and development. He is a prolific writer having produced over 75 articles
appearing in the leading management journals. He is also a management consultant with over
twenty years of experience working with a wide variety of organizational
He is also North-American co-editor of the journal, Management Learning.
Among his most notable accomplishments was receiving the John Wiley "Best Paper
Award in Management Education," at the 1994 Academy of Management Annual
Meeting. |
Ray |
Investing: How to Profit from Distressed Companies
Hugh Ray is a partner in the law firm of Andrew &
Kurth LLP and heads the firm's national bankruptcy practice. He is a
member of the American College of Bankruptcy and has represented debtors,
official committees, and creditors in many major bankruptcy cases
including Bank of New England Corporation, Flagstar (Denny's), Continental
Airlines, the Hunt Brothers, Zales, and Lomas.
Isaac Ray |
Treatise on the Medical Jurisprudence of Insanity
Issac Ray, (1807-1881). In 1838, he published "A Treatise on the Medical Jurisprudence of Insanity". That book, and Ray's subsequent efforts established forensic psychiatry in the United States as a discipline with its own body of knowledge, skills, and professional goals. In 1896 Ray published a paper "Confinement of the Insane", in which he presented the three elements vital for any law regarding the involuntary hospitalization of the insane.
R. Reich |
You Can Go Bankrupt Without Going Broke: An Essential Guide to Personal Bankruptcy
(with James P. Duffy) Lawrence R. Reich, who is
a practicing attorney and a member of the American Bankruptcy
Institute, has lectured widely on bankruptcy and corporate
reorganization. He holds a J.D. from New York University School
of Law (1965).
Phillip Reid |
Literature of American Legal History
Phillip Reid is Russell D. Niles Professor of Law Emeritus at New York
University School of Law.
Reston, Jr. |
Galileo: A Life
Reston, Jr. is the author of several books. He has written
articles for the New Yorker, Esquire, Vanity Fair, Time, Rolling
Stone, and many other publications, and the scripts for three
Frontline documentaries. He lives in Chevy Chase, Maryland.
Ricketts III |
Partners: Forming Strategic Alliances in Health Care
Thomas C. Ricketts, Ph.D., M.P.H., is
Associate Professor of Health Policy and Administration at UNC-CH
School of Public Health and Director of the North Carolina Rural
Health Research Program and the Program on Health Policy
Analysis at the Cecil G. Sheps Center for Health Services
Research at UNC-CH. He is Editor of the Journal of Rural Health,
and a member of the North Carolina Institute of Medicine. He was
named the Outstanding Rural Health Researcher by the National
Rural Health Association in 1997.
William Z.
Ripley |
Rates and Regulations Railroads:
Finance & Organizations Railway
William Zebina Ripley was born Oct. 13, 1867,
in Medford, Mass., U.S. American economist and anthropologist.
Ripley was trained in civil engineering at the Massachusetts
Institute of Technology and in political economics at Columbia
University, New York City (Ph.D., 1893). He spent most of his
career as professor of political economy at Harvard University
(1902-33). During World War I he served as administrator of
labour standards for the U.S. War Department. In 1920-23 he drew
up for the Interstate Commerce Commission the Ripley Plan for
the regional consolidation of U.S. railways. In 1931-32, while
testifying before the U.S. Senate, he advocated close federal
restraint on investment trusts and on the financial practices of
large business corporations.
He died Aug. 16, 1941 in Boothbay, Maine.
Rohrlich |
and Practice in Corporate Control
Chester Rohrlich was an attorney in New York.
He has the Chester Rohrlich Professor of Corporate Law, Finance
and Taxation named for him at the New York University School of
Rothchild |
Going for Broke: How Robert
Campeau Bankrupted the Retail Industry, Jolted the Junk Bond Market, and Brought
the Booming 80s to a Crash
John Rothchild, a Yale graduate and Fulbright Scholar, is a well-known writer
and editor. He has held editorial positions with the New York Times, the St.
Petersburg (Fla) Times, the Washington Post, and the Washington Monthly
magazine. As a writer he has published in numerous national magazines such as
Esquire, the New Republic, Harper's, and the New York Times magazine, to name a
few. From 1995-1996 he was Time magazine's chief financial columnist.
Michael Rothschild |
Bionomics: Economy as Business Ecosystem
Michael Rothschild earned his law and MBA degrees simultaneously at Harvard. He began his career in strategic consulting, working in many industries. He lives with his family near San Francisco.
Rouah |
Performance Evaluation of Hedge Funds (with Greg N. Gregoriou,
and Komlan Sedzro)
Hedge Funds: Strategies, Risk Assessment, and Returns (with Greg N. Gregoriou, and Vassilios N.
Fabrice Rouah is Institut de Finance Mathématique de
Montréal (IFM2) Scholar, and Ph.D. Candidate in Finance, McGill University,
Montreal, Quebec. Mr. Rouah is a former Faculty Lecturer and Consulting
Statistician in the Department of Mathematics and Statistics at McGill
University. He specializes on the statistical and stochastic modeling of hedge
funds, managed futures, and CTAs, and is a regular contributor in peer-reviewed
academic publications on alternative investments.
Rutberg |
Fashion, Retailing and a Bygone Era: Inside Women's Wear Daily - A Look Back (with Isadore
Barmash, Edward Gold, Marvin Klapper, Sandy Parker, Sidney
Rutberg, Mort Sheinman, and Stanley Siegelman)
Cents on the Dollar: Or the Bankruptcy Game
Rutberg is a contributing editor to The Secured Lender, a
magazine published by the Commercial Finance Association. He was
Financial editor and columnist for 31 years at Women's Wear
Daily and Daily News Record, and covered the bankruptcy courts
for Fairchild Publications for ten years.